Imprint / Terms & Conditions

PAAN-Group Consulting is a privately held company currently based in Berlin, Germany.


Service provider

PAAN Group Consulting
Business owner: Paul Karnowka
Lloyd-G.-Wells-Strasse 21
14163 Berlin

Contact options

Email address:
Telephone: 03025017900
Contact form:
More Further contact options:

Company information

Sales tax identification number (VAT ID): DE295294657
Berlin tax office, Steglitz-Zehlendorf
Terms and Conditions:

Professional liability insurance

Hiscox SA
Arnulfstrasse 31
80636 Munich
Spatial validity: German

Photo credits

Image sources and copyright notices:
Commercial use of images is permitted according to the license conditions of the stock image provider
acquired by copyright. The providers are as follows:

Freepik Premium Teams
– Designed to facilitate collaborative work and an inexhaustible source of inspiration
with the easiest management structure.

Flaticon Premium Plan
– Designed to elevate creativity with premium assets and advanced features.

Terms & Conditions

for services of the company PAAN-Group Consulting. 
Status: 01.05.2020

PAAN Group Consulting, Paul Karnowka, Lloyd-G.-Wells-Strasse 21, 14163 Berlin, Germany

1. Scope

The following general terms and conditions apply to all legal transactions of the service company PAAN-Group Consulting – hereinafter referred to as service provider – with its contractual partner – hereinafter referred to as client.
Insofar as there are individual contractual regulations that deviate from the provisions of these General Terms & Condifitons or contradict them, the individual contractual regulations take precedence. 

2. Subject of the contract

2.1 The contracting parties agree to cooperate in accordance with the specific, individual contractual agreement. An employment contract is not wanted by the parties and is not justified.

2.2 The service provider is responsible for social security or tax matters and releases the client from any obligations.

2.3 The service provider is free to work for other clients at any time. 

3. Conclusion of the contract

3.1 The contractual relationship for the services comes about when the customer places a customer order (offer) and accepts it by the service provider. The client is bound to the placing of the customer order (offer) for a period to be agreed individually.

3.2 The subject matter of the contract or the exact description of the task is described in the written order. 

4. Term and Termination

4.1 The contract begins and ends at the individually agreed time.

4.2 The contract can be properly terminated. In this regard, a period of 2 weeks is agreed. This period may vary according to individual order agreements.

4.3 Termination without notice for important reasons is possible. An important reason exists, for example, if the client is in arrears with two consecutive payments that are due and fails to make payments after a reasonable period of grace has expired. the client falls into financial collapse after conclusion of the contract (inability to pay, insolvency), unless an application for the opening of insolvency proceedings has already been filed. 

5. Scope of services, obligations of the contractual partners

5.1 The services to be provided by the service provider usually include the tasks listed in detail in accordance with the order placed by the client.

5.2 The service provider will periodically inform the client about the result of his work. The contracting parties can agree on a timetable for the provision of services and a planned end date for the completion of services in the contract.

5.3 If the service provider is actually unable to perform an order as contractually owed, he must inform the client immediately.

5.4 The service provider provides the equipment and personnel required to provide the service if the client does not have the appropriate equipment or premises, unless otherwise agreed in an individual contract. Additional remuneration may arise as a result and be passed on to the client. If there are technical and/or organizational specifications on the part of the client that do not allow this (e.g. security measures), the client will provide the necessary equipment. The parties endeavor to support the contractual partner in fulfilling the respective obligation to the best of their knowledge and belief by providing information, advice or experience in order to ensure a smooth and efficient workflow for both parties.

5.5 Each of the contractual partners can request changes to the agreed scope of services from the other contractual partner in writing. After receiving a change request, the recipient will check whether and under what conditions the change can be implemented and shortly thereafter inform the applicant of the approval or rejection in text form and, if necessary, justify it. If a change request by the client requires an extensive review, the service provider can calculate the cost of the review with prior notice, provided that the client nevertheless insists on the review of the change request. If necessary, the contractual adjustments to the agreed conditions and services required for a review and/or a change are set out in writing in a change agreement and come about in accordance with these general terms and conditions. 

6. Pricing, payments and other terms of payment

6.1 Services are due and invoiced at the prices listed in the individual contract after termination or if the remuneration is agreed on a time and material basis on a monthly / daily / hourly basis during the course of the service provision, unless another invoicing is agreed in the contract.

6.2 Specified estimated prices for services on a time and material basis, in particular in cost estimates, are non-binding. The quantities on which an estimate is based are based on an assessment of the scope of services carried out to the best of the service provider’s knowledge.

6.3 Sales tax will be charged at the sales tax rate applicable at the time of performance.

6.4 Invoices are payable upon receipt without deduction. If the invoice amount is not received within 30 days of the invoice date, the service provider is entitled to claim default interest. The interest on arrears is based on the respective statutory anchoring (p.a.) of the base interest rate applicable at the time of calculation. 

7. Liability

7.1 The service provider is liable in cases of intent or gross negligence according to the statutory provisions. Liability for guarantees is independent of fault. The service provider is only liable for slight negligence in accordance with the provisions of the Product Liability Act, for injury to life, limb or health or for breach of essential contractual obligations. However, the claim for damages for the slightly negligent breach of essential contractual obligations is limited to the foreseeable damage that is typical for the contract, insofar as there is no liability for injury to life, limb or health. The service provider is liable to the same extent for the fault of contracted agents and representatives.

7.2 The regulation of the above paragraph (7.1) extends to compensation for damages in addition to the service, compensation for damages instead of the service and the claim for compensation for wasted expenses, regardless of the legal reason, including liability for defects, delay or impossibility. 

8. Jurisdiction

German law applies exclusively to the business relationship between the parties.
If the customer does not have a general place of jurisdiction in Germany or in another EU member state, the sole place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising from this contract is the place of business of the service provider.